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Naples Pier Reconstruction: Turrell, Hall & Associates Awarded Design Contract to Preserve Iconic Fe

Naples Pier | Naples 2Night

The Naples Pier, a beloved landmark in Naples, Florida, has been a fixture in the community for over a century. However, it was severely damaged by Hurricane Ian in September, necessitating a rebuild. In response to this, the city has awarded a contract for design services to Turrell, Hall & Associates for the new pier.

Turrell, Hall & Associates has assembled a team of experts who have worked on more than six pier projects over the past five years, including modifications to the Naples Pier. The local marine and environmental consulting business will work with seven other firms, as subcontractors, to get the work done in six months. The company has promised to retain the pier's essence and maintain some of its historic features, including its Polynesian roof lines, wood decking, and railing. They have also pledged to avoid an "all-concrete design" and an "industrial aesthetic" seen at other piers.

Even before the city chose Turrell, Hall & Associates as the designer, they had started proposing ideas following an extensive damage assessment that determined the pier must be rebuilt. The new design would include stronger concrete beams and pilings, which are essentially the pier's legs. The new pier would also be elevated to protect it from high water and wave action in the future. Turrell, Hall has already considered additional features such as a raised gazebo, lower fishing decks, and "bump outs," or balconies, to allow for better views and more seating.

What sets Turrell, Hall & Associates apart is their deep connection to the Naples Pier. In their pitch for the design contract, they stated, "The Naples Pier has been part of our lives both personal and professional. The excitement this project has brought to our team is beyond words. We have treated this project as our own and will continue to do so. This is not just another project for us, as many of us have grown up here, we are invested in the history and future of the Naples Pier, the heart and soul of our town."

More input will be sought from the community in developing the final design. The Naples Pier is a symbol of the community's history and culture, and its restoration is vital to the town's identity. Turrell, Hall & Associates' dedication to maintaining the pier's essence while incorporating modern features is promising for the future of this cherished landmark.

The Naples Pier's design contract has been awarded to Turrell, Hall & Associates for $1,478,400 by the City Council in a unanimous decision during last week's meeting.



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